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How do I see search filters with 0 job openings?

When you search for a job, we only show the filters that have available job openings. We hide the filters with zero job openings to make it easier for you to review your results and options. If you want to see all filters, including the ones with zero job openings, click Show options with 0 jobs under Top Filters.

Why do I want to see options with 0 jobs?

You may want to set up a saved search including filters with 0 jobs openings because there may be job openings in the future. You can set up a saved search and get an email notification when a new job is posted and matches what you're looking for.

For example, there are some jobs that are only available at certain times of the year, such as a Presidential Management Fellow. If you want to find a Presidential Management Fellow (PMF) job, but there are none available yet, you can set up a saved search using that filter. If a new PMF job is posted, we'll email you with a link to updated search results.

Learn how to set up email notifications for jobs not yet posted.

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